Frequently Asked Questions about the UltraHeat Brand of Products for RV Holding Tanks and Drainage systems.
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The Big Question, Why UltraHeat?
If you are considering using your RV in Cold weather, anything from mild to the extreme, why wouldn’t your efforts, valued time and peace-of-mind be worth the proven value and performance that UltraHeat has to offer?
For the past 33 plus years our products probably have been best known worldwide for our RV heating products, our exclusive “UltraHeat Technology” has also been in the forefront in many other industries and niche markets since the mid 1970’s. Well-known names like Ford Motor, Daimler Chrysler, U.S. Department of Defense, Canadian Armed Forces and Canadian Provincial and Territorial Governments have all used custom versions of our heat panels. Within the Mass Transportation Industry we are best known for our UltraHeat StepWarmer™ heat panels which are widely used throughout all of North America within buses to promote passenger safety by keeping entry steps, ADA ramps and lifts free from ice and snow.
We’ve consulted with some OEMs and Metropolitan Transit Authority project teams in designing heat panels for side and rear mounted display sign boards used on Buses, Emergency, and Road Maintenance Vehicles keeping them clear of snow and visible while in use.
We produce unique heat panels to warm IV and Blanket Boxes sold to the Manufactures of First Response Vehicles, or how about being the "Standard of Use" within the mobile restroom and specialty trailer Industries keeping their large volume holding tanks unfrozen.
The list of products and Industries we have supplied and shipped to worldwide can go on and on, the point is, we are a leader and sought-after consultant in what we do. Were others may try to copy or follow, we lead the way. Most of all the products we produce today started out as a custom project from a customer or organization wanting to heat an uncommon requirement, all starting from a need or idea that we have cultivated the growth from there.
Our brand of products didn’t raise the standard, they are the standard everyone else tries to compete against.
The better question is, why would you use anything else other than UltraHeat?